
Install from pypi

This library is available on Pypi, under the python package name “appian-locust”.

Simple pip install:

pip install appian-locust

It’s recommended to use pipenv to manage dependencies but any dependency management tool (poetry, pip, etc.) should work.

If using pipenv, simply start from the following Pipfile:

appian-locust = {version = "*"}

python_version = "3.7"

allow_prereleases = true

Installing from source

It’s highly recommended that you use a virtual environment when installing python artifacts. You can follow the instructions here to install virtualenv and pip.

It’s recommended to use a dependency management tool as mentioned above, but the below example installs the library globally.

You’ll need to clone the repository first

git clone -o prod

Once that is done, you can simply use

pip install -e appian-locust

to install the library globally.

If you’re using a virtualenv or a dependency management tool (e.g. pipenv), you can do the same type of install, but you will want to be in the context of the virtualenv (i.e. source the virtualenv), and you’ll need to pass the path to the repository you cloned.

If you have issues installing, make sure you have the proper prerequisites installed for Locust and its dependencies. If you’re having trouble on Windows, check here