
By contributing to this Open Source project, you provide Appian Corporation a non-exclusive, perpetual, royalty-free license to use your contribution for any purpose.


  1. Fork the appian-locust repository

  2. Make any desired changes

  3. Commit changes and push to your fork

  4. Make a merge request to the upstream fork and project maintainers will review it

New Development

As new development is done to Appian Locust, the core principle of user navigation and resulting interaction should be kept in mind. Is your feature adding interaction capabilities to an existing type of page? If so, you likely want to add a new method to an existing SailUiForm type. Otherwise, you might need to create a new extention of SailUiForm and ensure that the Visitor class has the capabilities to visit the new page type. Lastly, functionality that doesn’t involve user interaction should be included in the SiteHelper class.

If you think that your development falls outside of the above criteria, you should submit an issue for the maintainers of this project to discuss your use case.

To Test Your Changes

In any test-implementation repo where you use appian-locust, change the following (assuming you’re using a Pipfile)

appian-locust = {path="../appian-locust", editable=true}

NOTE The path above assumes appian-locust is checked out locally, hence we can use a relative directory path.

And run pipenv install --skip-lock to allow you to use a local version of appian-locust without recreating the lock file. However, remember to use a lock file in your test-implementation repo.

Now you can test your changes as you normally would.

Internal Classes

Apart from our exposed API, we provide internal classes for more granular control when developing or testing.

appian_locust._locust_error_handler._format_http_error(resp: Response, uri: str, username: str) str
Taken from Response.raise_for_status. Formats the http error message,

additionally adding the username

  • resp (Response) – Response to generate an http error message from

  • uri (str) – URI accessed as part of the request

  • username (str) – Username of the calling user


the http error message to use

Return type:


appian_locust._locust_error_handler.test_response_for_error(resp: ResponseContextManager, uri: str = 'No URI Specified', raise_error: bool = True, username: str = '', name: str = '') None

Locust relies on errors to be logged to the global_stats attribute for error handling. This function is used to notify Locust that its instances are failing and that it should fail too.

  • resp (Response) – a python response object from a client.get() or call in Locust tests.

  • uri (Str) – URI in the request that caused the above response.

  • username (Str) – identifies the current user when we use multiple different users for locust test)



Example (Returns a HTTP 500 error):

username = 'admin'
uri = ''
with self.client.get(uri) as resp:
  test_response_for_error(resp, uri, username)
class appian_locust._save_request_builder._SaveRequestBuilder

Bases: object

Builds a save request, that can be used to trigger saves on the UI

build() Dict[str, Any]
component(component: Dict[str, Any]) _SaveRequestBuilder
context(context: Dict[str, Any]) _SaveRequestBuilder
identifier(identifier: Dict[str, Any] | None) _SaveRequestBuilder
uuid(uuid: str) _SaveRequestBuilder
value(value: dict | list) _SaveRequestBuilder
appian_locust._save_request_builder.save_builder() _SaveRequestBuilder