By contributing to this Open Source project, you provide Appian Corporation a non-exclusive, perpetual, royalty-free license to use your contribution for any purpose.
Fork the appian-locust repository
Make any desired changes
Commit changes and push to your fork
Make a merge request to the upstream fork and project maintainers will review it
New Development
As new development is done to Appian Locust, the core principle of user navigation and resulting interaction should be kept in mind.
Is your feature adding interaction capabilities to an existing type of page? If so, you likely want to add a new method to an
existing SailUiForm
type. Otherwise, you might need to create a new extention of SailUiForm
and ensure that the Visitor
class has the capabilities to visit the new page type. Lastly, functionality that doesn’t involve user interaction should be included in the
If you think that your development falls outside of the above criteria, you should submit an issue for the maintainers of this project to discuss your use case.
To Test Your Changes
In any test-implementation repo where you use appian-locust, change the following (assuming you’re using a Pipfile
appian-locust = {path="../appian-locust", editable=true}
NOTE The path above assumes appian-locust is checked out locally, hence we can use a relative directory path.
And run pipenv install --skip-lock
to allow you to use a local version of appian-locust
without recreating the lock file. However, remember to use a lock file in your test-implementation repo.
Now you can test your changes as you normally would.
Internal Classes
Apart from our exposed API, we provide internal classes for more granular control when developing or testing.
- class appian_locust._actions._Actions(interactor: _Interactor)
- clear_actions_cache() None
- fetch_action_json(action_name: str, exact_match: bool = False, label: str = '') Dict[str, Any]
This function calls the API for the specific action to get its “form” data
- Parameters:
action_name (str) – Name of the action to be called. Name of the action will be in the below pattern. “displayLabel::opaquqId”
exact_match (bool, optional) – Should action name match exactly or to be partial match. Default : False
Returns (dict): Response of actions’s Get UI call in dictionary
If the full name of the action is known, with the opaque ID,
>>> self.appian.action.fetch_action_json("action_name:igB0K7YxC0UQ2Fhx4hicRw...", exact_match=True)
If only the display name is known, or part of the display name
>>> self.appian.action.fetch_action_json("action_name") >>> self.appian.action.fetch_action_json("actio")
- get_action(action_name: str, exact_match: bool = False) Dict[str, Any]
Get the information about specific action by name.
- Parameters:
action_name (str) – Name of the action
exact_match (bool) – Should action name match exactly or to be partial match. Default : False
Returns (dict): Specific Action’s info
Raises: In case of action is not found in the system, it throws an “Exception”
If full name of action is known, with the opaque ID,
>>> self.appian.action.get_action("action_name:igB0K7YxC0UQ2Fhx4hicRw...", exact_match=True)
If only the display name is known, or part of the display name
>>> self.appian.action.get_action("action_name") >>> self.appian.action.get_action("actio")
- get_actions_feed(locust_request_label: str = 'Actions') Dict[str, Any]
- get_actions_interface(locust_request_label: str = 'Actions') Dict[str, Any]
- get_all(search_string: str | None = None, locust_request_label: str = 'Actions.MainMenu.AvailableActions') Dict[str, Any]
Retrieves all the available “actions” and associated metadata from “Appian-Tempo-Actions”
Note: All the retrieved data about actions is stored in the private variable self._actions
Returns (dict): List of actions and associated metadata
>>> self.appian.action.get_all()
- get_errors_count() int
- start_action(action_name: str, skip_design_call: bool = False, exact_match: bool = False) Response
Perform the post operation on action’s API to start specific action. Actions that do not have a UI can be called directly without using “GET” to retrieve the UI. this is controlled by the optional skip_design_call parameter
- Parameters:
action_name (str) – Name of the action
skip_design_call (bool, optional) – to skip the “GET” call for the action’s UI. Default : False
exact_match (bool, optional) – Should action name match exactly or to be partial match. Default : False
Returns: NONE
>>> self.appian.action.start_action("action_name")
- class appian_locust._admin._Admin(interactor: _Interactor)
- fetch_admin_json(locust_request_label: str | None = None) Dict[str, Any]
Navigates to /admin
Returns: The response of /admin
- class appian_locust._base._Base
Base class for classes
- get(items_in_dict: dict, item_name: str, exact_match: bool = True, ignore_retry: bool = False, search_string: str | None = None) tuple
Common Get function to get the specific component from dictionary of items. If item is not found, it calls get_all function to update itself and retry.
Warning: Internal function, should never be called directly.
- Parameters:
items_in_dict (dict) – Dictionary of component (for ex, dictionary of actions if called from actions class)
item_name (str) – Component name (for ex, action name if called from actions class)
exact_match (bool, optional) – Should item name match exactly or to be partial match. Default : True
ignore_retry (bool, optional) – Whether to retry or not if item is not found in first try.
search_string (str, optional) – String to filter the results of get_all function. Currently supported only for
Returns: Tuple of item name and full properties of item If item found, otherwise tuple of Nones
- get_all(search_string: str | None = None, locust_request_label: str = '') Any
Common Get All function prototype that is overwritten by subclasses. Created only to conform to Mypy validation.
- class appian_locust._data_fabric._DataFabric(interactor: _Interactor)
- fetch_data_fabric_dashboard_json(encoded_uri_stub: str = 'new', locust_request_label: str | None = None) Dict[str, Any]
- fetch_data_fabric_json(locust_request_label: str | None = None) Dict[str, Any]
- class appian_locust._design._Design(interactor: _Interactor)
- click_expression_editor_toolbar_button(button_action: str, post_url: str, state: Dict[str, Any], context: Dict[str, Any], uuid: str, label: str | None = None) Dict[str, Any]
- create_ai_skill_object(ui_form: SailUiForm, ai_skill_name: str, ai_skill_type: AISkillObjectType) SailUiForm
- create_object(ui_form: SailUiForm, link_name: str, object_name: str) SailUiForm
- fetch_application_json(app_id: str, locust_request_label: str | None = None) Dict[str, Any]
Fetches the JSON of the UI for a specific application within the /design environment
Returns: JSON Dictionary
>>> design.fetch_application_json("AADZeglVgAAgfpsAAJsAAAAAAdA")
- fetch_design_json(locust_request_label: str | None = None) Dict[str, Any]
Fetches the JSON of /design UI
Returns: JSON Dictionary
>>> design.fetch_design_json()
- fetch_design_object_json(opaque_id: str, locust_request_label: str | None = None) Dict[str, Any]
Fetches the JSON of the UI for a specific object within the /design environment
Returns: JSON Dictionary
>>> design.fetch_design_object_json("lABD1iTIu_lxy_3T_90Is2fs63uh52xESYi6-fun7FBWshlrBQ0EptlFUdGyIRzSSluPyVdvOhvGgL6aBlnjlkWfQlALYR2aRZ_AIliJ4lc3g")
- find_design_grid(state: Dict[str, Any]) Dict[str, Any]
- find_design_object_opaque_id_in_grid(design_object_name: str, current_state: Dict[str, Any]) str
- find_design_object_type_indices(current_state: Dict[str, Any], design_object_types: list[str]) list[int]
- search_design_grid(search_str: str, reeval_url: str, state: Dict[str, Any], context: Dict[str, Any], uuid: str, locust_label: str = 'Design.Search') Dict[str, Any]
Search a grid in /design :param search_str: string to search :type search_str: str :param reeval_url: url to send request to :type reeval_url: str :param state: current state of UI, which contains the search bar :type state: str :param context: current context :type context: str :param uuid: UUID of search component :type uuid: str :param locust_label: label to associate request with :type locust_label: str
- appian_locust._design.get_available_design_objects(state: Dict[str, Any]) Dict[str, DesignObject]
- appian_locust._design.validate_design_object_access_method(design_object_json: Dict[str, Any], object_type_to_method_dict: Dict[str, Any]) None
- appian_locust._feature_toggle_helper.__get_javascript_feature_flag_regex() Generator[str, None, None]
- appian_locust._feature_toggle_helper.__get_javascript_uri_regex() Generator[str, None, None]
- appian_locust._feature_toggle_helper.__get_mobile_feature_flag_overrides() Generator[FeatureFlag, None, None]
- appian_locust._feature_toggle_helper._create_override_flag_mask(flags_to_override: Callable[[], Generator[FeatureFlag, None, None]]) int
Given a list of flag enums from FeatureFlag, this will set that flag to 1 to override the default feature set. returns flag mask reflecting all the flags combined.
- appian_locust._feature_toggle_helper._get_feature_flags_from_regex_match(flag_str: str) Tuple[str, str]
Coerce flags into proper format for sending as headers
- appian_locust._feature_toggle_helper._get_javascript_and_find_feature_flag(client: HttpSession, script_uri: str, headers: Dict[str, Any] | None = None) Any
Read through minified javascript for feature flags
- appian_locust._feature_toggle_helper._get_javascript_uri(interactor: _Interactor, headers: Dict[str, Any] | None = None) Any
Gets the URI for the javascript file that contains the Feature Toggles
- appian_locust._feature_toggle_helper._to_hex_str(flagVal: int) str
- appian_locust._feature_toggle_helper._truncate_flag_extended(flag_extended: int) int
- appian_locust._feature_toggle_helper.get_client_feature_toggles(interactor: _Interactor, session: HttpSession) Tuple[str, str]
Given an authenticated user, recover the feature toggles from the minified javascript
Returns: Returns feature flag if found, otherwise empty string
- appian_locust._feature_toggle_helper.override_default_feature_flags(interactor: _Interactor, flags_to_override: Callable[[], Generator[FeatureFlag, None, None]]) None
Given a list of flag enums from FeatureFlag, override_default_flags gets the flag mask to set all of the flags to true, and it overrides the current feature flag extended value to set these flags to true.
- appian_locust._feature_toggle_helper.set_mobile_feature_flags(interactor: _Interactor) None
This overrides the feature flags to tell the service that the request is coming from a mobile device.
- class appian_locust._grid_interactor.GridInteractor
Set of utility methods for interacting with grids, i.e. finding them, and manipulating them
- _get_grid_data(paging_grid: Dict[str, Any]) Dict[str, Any]
- _get_sort_info(field_name: str, ascending: bool) List[Dict[str, Any]]
- _to_save_data(grid_data: Dict[str, Any], paging_grid: Dict[str, Any]) Dict[str, Any]
- _validate_grid_field_or_label(field_name: str, paging_grid: Dict[str, Any]) str
- find_grid_by_index(index: int, form: Dict[str, Any]) Dict[str, Any]
- find_grid_by_label(label: str, form: Dict[str, Any]) Dict[str, Any]
- find_grid_by_label_or_index(form: Dict[str, Any], label: str | None = None, index: int | None = None) Dict[str, Any]
- find_plaintext_grid_link_component(grid: Dict[str, Any], column_name: str, row_index: int) Dict[str, Any] | None
- find_rich_text_grid_link_component(grid: Dict[str, Any], column_name: str, row_index: int) Dict[str, Any] | None
- format_grid_display_label(grid: Dict[str, Any]) str
- move_to_first_page(paging_grid: Dict[str, Any]) Dict[str, Any]
- move_to_last_page(paging_grid: Dict[str, Any]) Dict[str, Any]
- move_to_the_left(paging_grid: Dict[str, Any]) Dict[str, Any]
- move_to_the_right(paging_grid: Dict[str, Any]) Dict[str, Any]
- select_rows(paging_grid: Dict[str, Any], rows: List[int], append_to_existing_selected: bool = False) Dict[str, Any]
- sort_grid(field_name: str, paging_grid: Dict[str, Any], ascending: bool = False) Dict[str, Any]
- validate_sort(field_name: str, paging_grid: Dict[str, Any]) None
- class appian_locust._interactor.DataTypeCache
- cache(response_in_json: Dict[str, Any]) None
From the given json response, finds and caches the data type :param response_in_json: response of the API request
- clear() None
Clears the data type cache
- get() str
Concatenates all cached data types and returns a string
Returns: concatenated cached data type string
- class appian_locust._interactor._Interactor(session: HttpSession, host: str, portals_mode: bool = False, request_timeout: int = 300)
- static _clean_filename(label: str) str
- _make_file_metadata(doc_info: Dict[str, Any]) dict
Produces a file metadata object to use for multifile upload fields
- Parameters:
id (int) – Document id of the object
- Returns:
Dictionary of the multifile upload data
- Return type:
- check_login(resp: ResponseContextManager) None
Given a response, checks to see if it’s possible that we are not logged in and then performs a login if we are not
- Parameters:
resp – Response to check
Returns: None
- check_post_response_for_valid_auth(resp: ResponseContextManager) None
Given a POST response, checks to see if we are correctly authenticated :param resp: POST request response to examine
Returns: None
- click_button(post_url: str, component: Dict[str, Any], context: Dict[str, Any], uuid: str, label: str | None = None, headers: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, client_mode: str | None = None) Dict[str, Any]
Calls the post operation to click certain SAIL components such as Buttons and Dynamic Links
- Parameters:
post_url – the url (not including the host and domain) to post to
component – the JSON code for the desired component
context – the Sail context parsed from the json response
uuid – the uuid parsed from the json response
label – the label to be displayed by locust for this action
headers – header for the REST API call
Returns: the response of post operation as json
- click_component(post_url: str, component: Dict[str, Any], context: Dict[str, Any], uuid: str, label: str | None = None, headers: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, client_mode: str | None = None) Dict[str, Any]
Calls the post operation to click certain SAIL components such as Buttons and Dynamic Links
- Parameters:
post_url – the url (not including the host and domain) to post to
component – the JSON code for the desired component
context – the Sail context parsed from the json response
uuid – the uuid parsed from the json response
label – the label to be displayed by locust for this action
headers – header for the REST API call
Returns: the response of post operation as json
- click_generic_element(post_url: str, component: Dict[str, Any], context: Dict[str, Any], uuid: str, new_value: Dict[str, Any], label: str | None = None) Dict[str, Any]
Calls the post operation to click on a generic element
- Parameters:
post_url – the url (not including the host and domain) to post to
component – the JSON code for the component
context – the Sail context parsed from the json response
uuid – the uuid parsed from the json response
new_value – value for the payload
label – the label to be displayed by locust for this action
Returns: the response of post operation as json
- click_link(post_url: str, component: Dict[str, Any], context: Dict[str, Any], uuid: str, label: str | None = None, headers: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, client_mode: str | None = None) Dict[str, Any]
Calls the post operation to click certain SAIL components such as Buttons and Dynamic Links
- Parameters:
post_url – the url (not including the host and domain) to post to
component – the JSON code for the desired component
context – the Sail context parsed from the json response
uuid – the uuid parsed from the json response
label – the label to be displayed by locust for this action
headers – header for the REST API call
Returns: the response of post operation as json
- click_record_link(get_url: str, component: Dict[str, Any], context: Dict[str, Any], label: str | None = None, headers: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, locust_label: str = '') Dict[str, Any]
Use this function to interact specifically with record links, which represent links to new sail forms. :param get_url: the url (not including the host and domain) to navigate to :param component: the JSON code for the RecordLink :param context: the Sail context parsed from the json response :param label: the label to be displayed by locust for this action :param headers: header for the REST API call
Returns: the response of get RecordLink operation as json
- click_record_list_action(component_label: str, process_model_uuid: str, cache_key: str, locust_request_label: str | None = None) Dict[str, Any]
- click_record_search_button(post_url: str, component: Dict[str, Any], context: Dict[str, Any], uuid: str, label: str | None = None) Dict[str, Any]
Calls the post operation to click a record search button
- Parameters:
post_url – the url (not including the host and domain) to post to
component – the JSON code for the desired SearchBoxWidget component
context – the Sail context parsed from the json response
uuid – the uuid parsed from the json response
label – the label to be displayed by locust for this action
Returns: the response of post operation as json
Use this function to interact with related action links, which start a process and return the start form. This can handle both relation actions and related action links that open in a dialog.
- Parameters:
component – the JSON representing the Related Action Link
record_type_stub – record type stub for the record
opaque_record_id – opaque id for the record
opaque_related_action_id – opaque id for the related action
locust_request_label – label to be used within locust
open_in_a_dialog – Does this link open in a dialog
Returns: the start form for the related action
- click_selected_tab(post_url: str, tab_group_component: Dict[str, Any], tab_label: str, context: Dict[str, Any], uuid: str) Dict[str, Any]
Calls the post operation to send an update to a tabgroup to select a tab
- Parameters:
post_url – the url (not including the host and domain) to post to
tab_group_component – the JSON representing the desired TabButtonGroup SAIL component
tab_label – Label of the tab to select
context – the Sail context parsed from the json response
uuid – the uuid parsed from the json response
label – the label of the tab to select. It is one of the tabs inside TabButtonGroup
Returns: the response of post operation as json
- click_start_process_link(component: Dict[str, Any], process_model_opaque_id: str, cache_key: str, site_name: str, page_name: str, group_name: str | None = None, is_mobile: bool = False, locust_request_label: str | None = None) Dict[str, Any]
Use this function to interact with start process links, which start a process and return the start form. :param component: the JSON representing the Start Process Link :param process_model_opaque_id: opaque id for the process model of the Start Process Link :param cache_key: cachekey for the start process link :param site_name: name of site for link in starting process model. :param page_name: name of page for link in starting process model. :param group_name: name of group for link in starting process model, if there is one. :param is_mobile: indicates if it should hit the mobile endpoint. :param locust_request_label: label to be used within locust
Returns: the response of get Start Process Link operation as json
- construct_and_send_dropdown_update(component: Any, choice_label: str, context: Dict[str, Any], state: Dict[str, Any], uuid: str, context_label: str, exception_label: str, reeval_url: str, identifier: Dict[str, Any] | None = None) Dict[str, Any]
Calls the post operation to send an update to a dropdown
- Parameters:
component – the dropdown component to update
choice_label – Label of the dropdown
context – the Sail context parsed from the json response
state – the Sail state parsed from the json response
uuid – the uuid parsed from the json response
context_label – the label to be displayed by locust for this action
exception_label – information about the dropdown component to be displayed if there is an exception
reeval_url – URL for “rel”=”update”, which is used to do other interactions on the form
identifier – the Record List Identifier, if made on a Record List
Returns: the response of post operation as json
- construct_and_send_multiple_dropdown_update(component: Any, choice_label: List[str], context: Dict[str, Any], state: Dict[str, Any], uuid: str, context_label: str, exception_label: str, reeval_url: str, identifier: Dict[str, Any] | None = None) Dict[str, Any]
Calls the post operation to send an update to a multiple dropdown
- Parameters:
component – the multiple dropdown component to update
choice_label – Label(s) of the multiple dropdown item to select
context – the Sail context parsed from the json response
state – the Sail state parsed from the json response
uuid – the uuid parsed from the json response
context_label – the label to be displayed by locust for this action
exception_label – information about the multiple dropdown component to be displayed if there is an exception
reeval_url – URL for “rel”=”update”, which is used to do other interactions on the form
identifier – the Record List Identifier, if made on a Record List
Returns: the response of post operation as json
- fetch_new_cascading_pickerfield_selection(pickfield_payload: List, locust_request_label: str = 'SelectCascadingPickerField') Dict[str, Any]
- fill_cascading_pickerfield_request(request_payload: List, choice: Dict[str, Any]) List
- fill_pickerfield_text(post_url: str, picker_field: Dict[str, Any], text: str, context: Dict[str, Any], uuid: str, label: str | None = None) Dict[str, Any]
Fill a Picker field with the given text and randomly select one of the suggested item :param post_url: the url (not including the host and domain) to post to :param picker_field: the picker field component returned from find_component_by_attribute_in_dict :param text: the text to fill into the picker field :param context: the SAIL context parsed from the json response :param uuid: the uuid parsed from the json response :param label: the label to be displayed by locust for this action
Returns: the response of post operation as json
- fill_textfield(post_url: str, text_field: Dict[str, Any], text: str, context: Dict[str, Any], uuid: str, label: str | None = None) Dict[str, Any]
Fill a TextField with the given text :param post_url: the url (not including the host and domain) to post to :param text_field: the text field component returned from find_component_by_attribute_in_dict :param text: the text to fill into the text field :param context: the Sail context parsed from the json response :param uuid: the uuid parsed from the json response :param label: the label to be displayed by locust for this action
Returns: the response of post operation as json
- find_selection_from_choices(selection: str, choices: List) Dict[str, Any] | None
- get_interaction_host() str
- get_page(uri: str, headers: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, label: str | None = None, check_login: bool = True) Response
Given a uri, executes GET request and returns response
- Parameters:
uri – API URI to be called
headers – header for the REST API Call
label – the label to be displayed by locust
check_login – optional boolean to bypass checking if we are logged in
Returns: Json response of GET operation
- get_primary_button_payload(page_content_in_json: Dict[str, Any]) Dict[str, Any]
Finds the primary button from the page content response and creates the payload which can be used to simulate a click
- Parameters:
page_content_in_json – full page content that has a primary button
Returns: payload of the primary button
- get_url_provider() UrlProvider
- initialize_cascading_pickerfield_request(pickerfield_component: Dict[str, Any]) List
- interact_with_record_grid(post_url: str, grid_component: Dict[str, Any], context: Dict[str, Any], uuid: str, identifier: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, context_label: str | None = None) Dict[str, Any]
Calls the post operation to send a record grid update
- Parameters:
post_url – the url (not including the host and domain) to post to
grid_component – the JSON dict representing the grid to update
context – the Sail context parsed from the json response
uuid – the uuid parsed from the json response
identifier – the Record List Identifier, if made on a Record List
context_label – the label to be displayed by locust for this action
Returns: the response of post operation as json
- login(auth: list | None = None, retry: bool = True, raise_error: bool = True) Tuple[HttpSession, Response]
- post_page(uri: str, payload: Any = {}, headers: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, label: str | None = None, files: dict | None = None, raise_error: bool = True, check_login: bool = True) Response
Given a uri, executes POST request and returns response
- Parameters:
uri – API URI to be called
payload – Body of the API request. Can be either JSON or text input to allow for different payload types.
headers – header for the REST API Call
label – the label to be displayed by locust
Returns: Json response of post operation
- refresh_after_record_action(post_url: str, record_action_component: Dict[str, Any], record_action_trigger_component: Dict[str, Any], context: Dict[str, Any], uuid: str, label: str | None = None) Dict[str, Any]
Calls the post operation to refresh a form after completion of a record action
- Parameters:
post_url – the url (not including the host and domain) to post to
record_action_component – the JSON representing the relevant record action component
record_action_trigger_component – the JSON representing the form’s record action trigger component
context – the Sail context parsed from the json response
uuid – the uuid parsed from the json response
Returns: the response of post operation as json
- replace_base_path_if_appropriate(uri: str) str
- select_checkbox_item(post_url: str, checkbox: Dict[str, Any], context: Dict[str, Any], uuid: str, indices: list, context_label: str | None = None) Dict[str, Any]
Calls the post operation to send an update to a checkbox to check all appropriate boxes
- Parameters:
post_url – the url (not including the host and domain) to post to
checkbox – the JSON representing the desired checkbox
context – the Sail context parsed from the json response
uuid – the uuid parsed from the json response
indices – indices of the checkbox
label – the label to be displayed by locust for this action
headers – header for the REST API call
Returns: the response of post operation as json
- select_pickerfield_suggestion(post_url: str, picker_field: Dict[str, Any], selection: Dict[str, Any], context: Dict[str, Any], uuid: str, label: str | None = None) Dict[str, Any]
Select a Picker field from available selections :param post_url: the url (not including the host and domain) to post to :param picker_field: the text field component returned from find_component_by_attribute_in_dict :param selection: the suggested item to select for the picker field :param context: the SAIL context parsed from the json response :param uuid: the uuid parsed from the json response :param label: the label to be displayed by locust for this action
Returns: the response of post operation as json
- select_radio_button(post_url: str, buttons: Dict[str, Any], context: Dict[str, Any], uuid: str, index: int, context_label: str | None = None) Dict[str, Any]
Calls the post operation to send an update to a radio button to select the appropriate button
- Parameters:
post_url – the url (not including the host and domain) to post to
buttons – the JSON representing the desired radio button field
context – the Sail context parsed from the json response
uuid – the uuid parsed from the json response
index – index of the button to be selected
label – the label to be displayed by locust for this action
headers – header for the REST API call
Returns: the response of post operation as json
- send_dropdown_update(post_url: str, dropdown: Dict[str, Any], context: Dict[str, Any], uuid: str, index: int, identifier: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, label: str | None = None) Dict[str, Any]
Calls the post operation to send an update to a dropdown
- Parameters:
post_url – the url (not including the host and domain) to post to
dropdown – the JSON code for the desired dropdown
context – the Sail context parsed from the json response
uuid – the uuid parsed from the json response
index – location of the dropdown value
identifier – the Record List Identifier, if made on a Record List
label – the label to be displayed by locust for this action
Returns: the response of post operation as json
- send_expression_editor_update(post_url: str, value: str, editor: Dict[str, Any], context: Dict[str, Any], uuid: str, label: str | None = None) Dict[str, Any]
- send_multiple_dropdown_update(post_url: str, multi_dropdown: Dict[str, Any], context: Dict[str, Any], uuid: str, index: List[int], identifier: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, label: str | None = None) Dict[str, Any]
Calls the post operation to send an update to a multiple dropdown
- Parameters:
post_url – the url (not including the host and domain) to post to
dropdown – the JSON code for the desired dropdown
context – the Sail context parsed from the json response
uuid – the uuid parsed from the json response
index – locations of the multiple dropdown value identifier: the Record List Identifier, if made on a Record List
label – the label to be displayed by locust for this action
Returns: the response of post operation as json
- set_url_provider(provider: UrlProvider) None
- set_user_agent_to_desktop() None
- set_user_agent_to_mobile() None
- setup_content_headers() dict
- setup_feed_headers() dict
- setup_request_headers(uri: str | None = None) dict
Generates standard headers for session
- Parameters:
uri (str) – URI to be assigned as the Referer
Returns (dict): headers
>>> self.appian._interactor.setup_request_headers()
- setup_sail_headers() dict
- update_date_field(post_url: str, date_field_component: Dict[str, Any], date_input: date, context: Dict[str, Any], uuid: str, locust_label: str | None = None) Dict[str, Any]
Calls the post operation to update a date field
- Parameters:
post_url – the url (not including the host and domain) to post to
date_field_component – the JSON representing the date field component
date_input – date field to convert to proper text format
context – the Sail context parsed from the json response
uuid – the uuid parsed from the json response
Returns: the response of post operation as json
- update_datetime_field(post_url: str, datetime_field: Dict[str, Any], datetime_input: datetime, context: Dict[str, Any], uuid: str, locust_label: str | None = None) Dict[str, Any]
Calls the post operation to update a date field
- Parameters:
post_url – the url (not including the host and domain) to post to
datetime_field – the JSON representing the datetime field to edit
datetime_input – datetime field to convert to the proper text format
context – the Sail context parsed from the json response
uuid – the uuid parsed from the json response
Returns: the response of post operation as json
- update_grid_from_sail_form(post_url: str, grid_component: Dict[str, Any], new_grid_save_value: Dict[str, Any], context: Dict[str, Any], uuid: str, context_label: str | None = None) Dict[str, Any]
Calls the post operation to send a grid update
- Parameters:
post_url – the url (not including the host and domain) to post to
grid_component – the JSON dict representing the grid to update
context – the Sail context parsed from the json response
uuid – the uuid parsed from the json response
uuid – indices of the checkbox
context_label – the label to be displayed by locust for this action
Returns: the response of post operation as jso
- upload_document_to_field(post_url: str, upload_field: Dict[str, Any], context: Dict[str, Any], uuid: str, doc_info: Dict[str, Any] | List[Dict[str, Any]], locust_label: str | None = None, client_mode: str = 'DESIGN') Dict[str, Any]
Calls the post operation to send an update to a upload_field to upload a document or list thereof. Requires a previously uploaded document id or ids
- Parameters:
post_url – the url (not including the host and domain) to post to
upload_field – the JSON representing the desired checkbox
context – the Sail context parsed from the json response
uuid – the uuid parsed from the json response
doc_id – document id or list of document ids for the upload
context_label – the label to be displayed by locust for this action
client_mode – where this is being uploaded to, defaults to DESIGN
Returns: the response of post operation as json
- upload_document_to_server(file_path: str, validate_extensions: bool = False, is_encrypted: bool = False) Dict[str, Any]
Uploads a document to the server, so that it can be used in upload fields :param uri: API URI to be called :param validate_extensions: if extensions should be validated :param file_path: Path to the file to be uploaded
Returns: Document Id that can be used for upload fields
- write_response_to_lib_folder(label: str | None, response: Response) None
Used for internal testing, to grab the response and put it in a file of type JSON
- Parameters:
label (Optional[str]) – Optional label, used to name the file
response (Response) – Response object to write to a file
Writes to a recorded_responses folder from wherever you run locust
- appian_locust._locust_error_handler._format_http_error(resp: Response, uri: str, username: str) str
- Taken from Response.raise_for_status. Formats the http error message,
additionally adding the username
- Parameters:
resp (Response) – Response to generate an http error message from
uri (str) – URI accessed as part of the request
username (str) – Username of the calling user
- Returns:
the http error message to use
- Return type:
- appian_locust._locust_error_handler.test_response_for_error(resp: ResponseContextManager, uri: str = 'No URI Specified', raise_error: bool = True, username: str = '', name: str = '') None
Locust relies on errors to be logged to the global_stats attribute for error handling. This function is used to notify Locust that its instances are failing and that it should fail too.
- Parameters:
resp (Response) – a python response object from a client.get() or call in Locust tests.
uri (Str) – URI in the request that caused the above response.
username (Str) – identifies the current user when we use multiple different users for locust test)
- Returns:
Example (Returns a HTTP 500 error):
username = 'admin' uri = '' with self.client.get(uri) as resp: test_response_for_error(resp, uri, username)
- class appian_locust._news._News(interactor: _Interactor)
- _visit_internal(news_name: str, exact_match: bool = True, search_string: str | None = None) Tuple
- fetch_news_entry_record_tags(news_entry_id: str, locust_request_label: str) Response
- get_all(search_string: str | None = None, locust_request_label: str = '') Dict[str, Any]
Retrieves all the available “news” and associated metadata from “Appian-Tempo-News”
Note: All the retrieved data about news is stored in the private variable self._news
- Parameters:
search_string (str, optional) – results will be filtered based on the search string.
Returns (dict): List of news and associated metadata
>>> self.appian.action.get_all()
- get_news(news_name: str, exact_match: bool = True, search_string: str | None = None) Dict[str, Any]
Get the information about specific news by name.
- Parameters:
news_name (str) – name of the news entry
exact_match (bool, optional) – Should news name match exactly or to be partial match. Default : True
search_string (str, optional) – results will be filtered based on the search string.
Returns: Specific News’s info
Raises: In case news is not found in the system, it throws an “Exception”
If full name of action is known,
If only partial name is known,
>>>"news_name", exact_match=False)
- search(search_string: str = '*') Dict[str, Any]
- visit(news_name: str, exact_match: bool = True, search_string: str | None = None) None
This function calls the nav API for the specific news item and its related records if any
- Parameters:
news_name (str) – Name of the news entry to be called
exact_match (bool, optional) – Should news name match exactly or to be partial match. Default : True
search_string (str, optional) – results will be filtered based on the search string.
Returns: None
If full name of news is known,
If only partial name is known,
>>>"news_name", exact_match=False)
- visit_news_entry(news_name: str, exact_match: bool = True, search_string: str | None = None) Tuple
This function simulates navigating to a single entry in the ui. There are two parts to navigating to a news entry: navigating to the view and getting the news entry’s feed.
- Parameters:
news_name (str) – Name of the news entry to be called
exact_match (bool, optional) – Should news name match exactly or to be partial match. Default : True
search_string (str, optional) – results will be filtered based on the search string.
Returns (Tuple): Response codes for the view navigation and getting the feed entry
If full name of news is known,
If only partial name is known,
>>>"news_name", exact_match=False)
- class appian_locust._portals._Portals(interactor: _Interactor)
- fetch_page_json(portal_unique_identifier: str, portal_page__unique_identifier: str, locust_request_label: str | None = None) Dict[str, Any]
Navigates to specific portal’s page
Returns: The response of portal’s page
- static get_full_url(portal_unique_identifier: str, portal_page__unique_identifier: str) str
- class appian_locust._rdo_interactor._RDOInteractor(interactor: _Interactor, rdo_host: str)
- _make_mlas_file_metadata(id: int, doc_size: int, position: int, file_name: str) dict
Produces a file metadata object to use for multifile upload fields
- ai_skill_creation_payload(jwt_token: str, app_prefix: str) dict
- ai_skill_creation_save_payload(state: Dict[str, Any], object_uuid: str) dict
- fetch_ai_skill_creation_dialog_json(app_prefix: str, locust_request_label: str = 'AISkill.CreateDialog') Dict[str, Any]
- fetch_ai_skill_creation_save_dialog_json(state: Dict[str, Any], rdo_state: Dict[str, Any], locust_request_label: str = 'AISkill.CreationSaveDialog') Dict[str, Any]
- fetch_ai_skill_designer_json(ai_skill_id: str, locust_request_label: str | None = None) Dict[str, Any]
- fetch_jwt_token() Tuple
- get_interaction_host() str
- get_presigned_url(ai_skill_id: str, model_id: str) dict
- patch_page(uri: str, payload: Any = {}, headers: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, label: str | None = None, files: dict | None = None, raise_error: bool = True) Response
- persist_ai_skill_changes_to_rdo(ai_skill_id: str, state: Dict[str, Any], locust_request_label: str | None = None) Dict[str, Any]
- post_page(uri: str, payload: Any = {}, headers: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, label: str | None = None, files: dict | None = None, raise_error: bool = True, check_login: bool = True) Response
Given a uri, executes POST request and returns response
- Parameters:
uri – API URI to be called
payload – Body of the API request. Can be either JSON or text input to allow for different payload types.
headers – header for the REST API Call
label – the label to be displayed by locust
Returns: Json response of post operation
- put_page(uri: str, payload: Any = {}, headers: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, label: str | None = None, files: dict | None = None, raise_error: bool = True) Response
- save_ai_skill_ui_request(component: Dict[str, Any], context: Dict[str, Any], uuid: str, value: Dict[str, Any], locust_request_label: str | None = None) Dict[str, Any]
- setup_mlas_file_upload_headers(kms_id: str) dict
- setup_rdo_ui_request_headers() dict
- upload_document_to_ai_skill_server(file_path: str, ai_skill_id: str, model_id: str, locust_request_label: str | None = None) Tuple[Any, int]
- upload_document_to_mlas_field(upload_field: Dict[str, Any], context: Dict[str, Any], uuid: str, file_infos: List[Dict[str, Any]], locust_label: str | None = None) Dict[str, Any]
- v1_post_request(jwt_token: str, rdo_csrf_token: str) Any
- class appian_locust._records._Records(interactor: _Interactor, is_mobile_client: bool = False)
- _get_mobile_records_uri(record_type_url_stub: str, search_string: str | None = None) str
- _get_random_record_instance(record_type: str = '') Tuple[str, str]
- _get_random_record_type() str
- _is_response_good(response_text: str) bool
- _record_type_list_request(record_type: str, is_mobile: bool = False, search_string: str | None = None, locust_request_label: str | None = None) Dict[str, Any]
- fetch_all_records_json(locust_request_label: str = 'Records') Dict[str, Any]
- fetch_record_instance(record_type: str, record_name: str, exact_match: bool = True) Dict[str, Any]
Get the information about a specific record by specifying its name and its record type.
- Parameters:
record_type (str) – Name of the record type.
record_name (str) – Name of the record which should be available in the given record type
exact_match (bool) – Should record name match exactly or to be partial match. Default : True
Returns (dict): Specific record’s info
Raises: In case of record is not found in the system, it throws an “Exception”
If full name of record type and record is known,
>>> self.appian.records.get("record_type_name", "record_name")
If only partial name is known,
>>> self.appian.records.get("record_type_name", "record_name", exact_match=False)
- fetch_record_type(record_type: str, exact_match: bool = True) Dict[str, Any]
Fetch information about record type from the cache. Raises Exception if record type does not exist in cache.
- Parameters:
record_type (str) – Name of the record type.
Returns (dict): Specific record type’s info
Raises: In case the record type is not found in the system, it throws an “Exception”
>>> self.appian.records.get_record_type("record_type_name")
- fetch_record_type_json(record_type_url_stub: str, is_mobile: bool = False, search_string: str | None = None, label: str | None = None) Dict[str, Any]
- get_all(search_string: str | None = None, locust_request_label: str = 'Records') Dict[str, Any]
Retrieves all available “records types” and “records” and associated metadata from “Appian-Tempo-Records”
Note: All the retrieved data about record types and records is stored in the private variables self._record_types and self._records respectively
Returns (dict): List of records and associated metadata
- get_all_record_types(locust_request_label: str = 'Records') Dict[str, Any]
Navigate to Tempo Records Tab and load all metadata for associated list of record types into cache.
Returns (dict): List of record types and associated metadata
- get_all_records_of_record_type(record_type: str, column_index: int | None = None, search_string: str | None = None) Dict[str, Any]
Navigate to the desired record type and load all metadata for the associated list of record views into cache.
- Parameters:
record_type (str) – Name of record type for which we want to enumerate the record instances.
column_index (int, optional) – Column index to only fetch record links from a specific column, starts at 0.
Returns (dict): List of records and associated metadata
>>> self.appian.records.get_all_records_of_record_type("record_type_name")
- get_record(record_type: str, record_name: str, exact_match: bool = True) Dict[str, Any]
Get the information about a specific record by specifying its name and its record type.
- Parameters:
record_type (str) – Name of the record type.
record_name (str) – Name of the record which should be available in the given record type
exact_match (bool) – Should record name match exactly or to be partial match. Default : True
Returns (dict): Specific record’s info
Raises: In case of record is not found in the system, it throws an “Exception”
If full name of record type and record is known,
>>> self.appian.records.get("record_type_name", "record_name")
If only partial name is known,
>>> self.appian.records.get("record_type_name", "record_name", exact_match=False)
- get_records_interface(locust_request_label: str | None = 'Records') Dict[str, Any]
- visit(record_type: str = '', record_name: str = '', view_url_stub: str = '', exact_match: bool = True, locust_request_label: str | None = None) Dict[str, Any]
This function calls the API for the specific record view/instance to get its response data.
Note: This function is meant to only traverse to Record forms, not to interact with them. For that, use visit_record_instance_and_get_form()
- Parameters:
record_type (str) – Record Type Name. If not specified, a random record type will be selected.
record_name (str) – Name of the record to be called. If not specified, a random record will be selected.
view_url_stub (str, optional) – page/tab to be visited in the record. If not specified, “summary” dashboard will be selected.
exact_match (bool, optional) – Should record type and record name matched exactly as it is or partial match.
locust_request_label (str,optional) – Label used to identify the request for locust statistics
Returns (dict): Responses of Record’s Get UI call in a dictionary
If full name of record type and record is known,
>>> self.appian.records.visit_record_instance("record_type_name", "record_name", "summary")
If only partial name is known,
>>> self.appian.records.visit_record_instance("record_type_name", "record_name", "summary", exact_match=False)
If a random record is desired,
>>> self.appian.records.visit_record_instance()
If random record of a specific record type is desired,
>>> self.appian.records.visit_record_instance("record_type_name")
- visit_record_instance(record_type: str = '', record_name: str = '', view_url_stub: str = '', exact_match: bool = True, locust_request_label: str | None = None) Dict[str, Any]
This function calls the API for the specific record view/instance to get its response data.
Note: This function is meant to only traverse to Record forms, not to interact with them. For that, use visit_record_instance_and_get_form()
- Parameters:
record_type (str) – Record Type Name. If not specified, a random record type will be selected.
record_name (str) – Name of the record to be called. If not specified, a random record will be selected.
view_url_stub (str, optional) – page/tab to be visited in the record. If not specified, “summary” dashboard will be selected.
exact_match (bool, optional) – Should record type and record name matched exactly as it is or partial match.
locust_request_label (str,optional) – Label used to identify the request for locust statistics
Returns (dict): Responses of Record’s Get UI call in a dictionary
If full name of record type and record is known,
>>> self.appian.records.visit_record_instance("record_type_name", "record_name", "summary")
If only partial name is known,
>>> self.appian.records.visit_record_instance("record_type_name", "record_name", "summary", exact_match=False)
If a random record is desired,
>>> self.appian.records.visit_record_instance()
If random record of a specific record type is desired,
>>> self.appian.records.visit_record_instance("record_type_name")
- visit_record_type(record_type: str = '', locust_request_label: str | None = None) Dict[str, Any]
Navigate into desired record type and retrieve all metadata for associated list of record views.
Returns (dict): List of records and associated metadata
>>> self.appian.records.visit_record_type("record_type_name")
- appian_locust._records_helper._get_feedItemLayout_label(item: Dict[str, Any]) str
- appian_locust._records_helper._get_linkedItem_label(item: Dict[str, Any]) str
- appian_locust._records_helper._is_grid(res_dict_var: Dict[str, Any]) bool
- appian_locust._records_helper.get_all_record_types_from_json(json_response: Dict[str, Any]) Dict[str, Any]
- appian_locust._records_helper.get_all_records_from_json(json_response: Dict[str, Any]) Tuple[Dict[str, Any], int]
- appian_locust._records_helper.get_record_header_response(form_json: Dict[str, Any]) Dict[str, Any]
This returns the contents of “x-embedded-header” from Record Instance’s Feed response. Header response is needed in cases like clicking on a related action.
- appian_locust._records_helper.get_record_summary_view_response(form_json: Dict[str, Any]) Dict[str, Any]
This returns the contents of “x-embedded-summary” from Record Instance’s Feed response
- appian_locust._records_helper.get_records_from_json_by_column(json_response: Dict[str, Any], column_index: int) Tuple[Dict[str, Any], int]
- appian_locust._records_helper.get_url_stub_from_record_list_post_request_url(post_url: str | None) str | None
Given post_url, returns the URL stub IF the url matches the url for a record list. If not, returns None.
- Parameters:
post_url – the post request url (not including the host and domain) to post to
Returns: The url stub if post_url matches a record instance list url, otherwise None
- appian_locust._records_helper.get_url_stub_from_record_list_url_path(url: str | None) str | None
Attempts to parse the url stub the url of a record list. It should only be able to parse the url stub if the page is a record list. If the url stub cannot be parsed, returns None.
- Parameters:
url – url path to attempt to parse the record list URL stub from
Returns: The url stub if post_url matches a record list url, otherwise None
- class appian_locust._reports._Reports(interactor: _Interactor)
- fetch_report_json(report_name: str, exact_match: bool = True, locust_request_label: str | None = None) Dict[str, Any]
This function calls the API for the specific report to get its “form” data
- Parameters:
report_name (str) – Name of the report to be called.
exact_match (bool, optional) – Should report name match exactly or to be partial match. Default : True
locust_request_label (str, optional) – Label locust should associate this request with
Returns (dict): Response of report’s Get UI call in dictionary
If full name of report is known,
>>> self.appian.reports.fetch_report_json("report_name")
If only partial name is known,
>>> self.appian.reports.fetch_report_json("report_name", exact_match=False)
- get_all(search_string: str | None = None, locust_request_label: str = 'Reports.Feed') Dict[str, Any]
Retrieves all the available “reports” and associated metadata from “Appian-Tempo-Reports”
Note: All the retrieved data about reports is stored in the private variable self._reports
Returns (dict): List of reports and associated metadata
>>> self.appian.reports.get_all()
- get_report(report_name: str, exact_match: bool = True) Dict[str, Any]
Get the information about specific report by name.
- Parameters:
report_name (str) – Name of the report
exact_match (bool) – Should report name match exactly or to be partial match. Default : True
Returns (dict): Specific Report’s info
Raises: In case of report is not found in the system, it throws an “Exception”
If full name of report is known,
>>> self.appian.reports.get("report_name")
If only partial name is known,
>>> self.appian.reports.get("report_name", exact_match=False)
- get_report_form_uri(report_name: str, exact_match: bool = True) str
- get_reports_interface(locust_request_label: str = 'Reports') Dict[str, Any]
- class appian_locust._save_request_builder._SaveRequestBuilder
Builds a save request, that can be used to trigger saves on the UI
- build() Dict[str, Any]
- component(component: Dict[str, Any]) _SaveRequestBuilder
- context(context: Dict[str, Any]) _SaveRequestBuilder
- identifier(identifier: Dict[str, Any] | None) _SaveRequestBuilder
- uuid(uuid: str) _SaveRequestBuilder
- value(value: dict | list) _SaveRequestBuilder
- appian_locust._save_request_builder.save_builder() _SaveRequestBuilder
- class appian_locust._sites._Sites(interactor: _Interactor)
- BROWSER_ACCEPT_HEADER = 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3'
- _get_and_memoize_site_data_from_ui(initial_nav_json: Dict[str, Any], site_name: str, display_name: str) Site
- _setup_headers_with_accept() dict
- _setup_headers_with_sail_json() dict
- fetch_site_page_metadata(site_name: str, page_name: str, group_name: str | None = None) Page | None
Gets site page from the site url stub and page url stub
- Parameters:
site_name – Site url stub
page_name – Page url stub
group_name – Group url stub, if there is one
Returns: Page object, representing an individual page of a site
- fetch_site_tab_json(site_name: str, page_name: str, locust_request_label: str | None = None) Dict[str, Any]
Navigates to a site page, either a record, action or report.
- Parameters:
site_name – Site Url stub
page_name – Page Url stub
locust_request_label (str, optional) – Label locust should associate this request with
Returns: Response of report/action/record
- fetch_site_tab_record_json(site_name: str, page_name: str, locust_request_label: str | None = None) Dict[str, Any]
Navigate to a recordList page on a site, then grab a random page from that site
Note: Any record available in the record list as a recordLink will be hit using this function. There is no guarantee that this record will be of any specific type and may not point to a record view.
- Parameters:
site_name – Site Url stub
page_name – Page Url stub
locust_request_label (str, optional) – Label locust should associate this request with
Returns: Response of report/action, or in the case of a record, response of record object
- get_all(search_string: str | None = None, locust_request_label: str | None = None) Dict[str, Any]
Gets and stores data for all sites, including all of their url stubs
- get_site_data_by_site_name(site_name: str) Site
Gets site data from just the site url stub
- Parameters:
site_name – Site url stub
Returns: Site object, containing the site name and pages
- get_site_stubs() List[str]
- class appian_locust._task_opener._TaskOpener(interactor: _Interactor)
- accept_a_task(payload: str, task_id: str, headers: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, task_title: str = '', locust_request_label: str = '') Dict[str, Any]
Accept a task if necessary
- Parameters:
payload (str) – string to send as part of accepting a task
task_id (str) – task identifier
headers (Dict[str, Any], optional) – Headers to send. Defaults to {}.
task_title (str, optional) – Task title used to describe the interaction. Defaults to “”.
locust_request_label (str, optional) – label to be used within locust
- Returns:
Response from accepting
- Return type:
Dict[str, Any]
- visit_by_task_id(task_title: str, task_id: str, extra_headers: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, locust_request_label: str = '') Dict[str, Any]
Vist a task page and the corresponding json using the task_id
- Parameters:
task_title (str) – Title to identify the task
task_id (str) – Id used to navigate to the task
extra_headers (Dict[str, Any], optional) – Extra headers, used for sites requests. Defaults to None.
locust_request_label (str, optional) – label to be used within locust
- Returns:
State returned by visiting the task
- Return type:
Dict[str, Any]
- class appian_locust._tasks._Tasks(interactor: _Interactor)
- INITIAL_FEED_URI = '/suite/api/feed/tempo?m=menu-tasks&t=t&s=pt&defaultFacets=%255Bstatus-open%255D'
- get_all(search_string: str | None = None, locust_request_label: str = 'Tasks') Dict[str, Any]
Retrieves all the available “tasks” and associated metadata from “Appian-Tempo-Tasks”
Note: All the retrieved data about tasks is stored in the private variable self._tasks
Returns (dict): List of tasks and associated metadata
>>> self.appian.task.get_all()
- get_next_task_page_uri(get_default: bool = True) str | None
Retrieves the next URI in the sequence of Task pages being fetched using self.get_task_pages().
If the previous call to self.get_task_pages() reached the end of the available pages then this method will return either a value of None or the default initial page URI depending on the get_default argument.
- Returns (str): The URI for the next page of Tasks (or the first page if the previous page fetches
reached the end).
- get_task(task_name: str, exact_match: bool = True) Dict[str, Any]
Get the information about specific task by name.
- Parameters:
task_name (str) – Name of the task
exact_match (bool) – Should task name match exactly or to be partial match. Default : True
Returns (dict): Specific task’s info
Raises: In case of task is not found in the system, it throws an “Exception”
If full name of task is known,
>>> self.appian.task.get("task_name")
If only partial name is known,
>>> self.appian.task.get("task_name", exact_match=False)
- get_task_form_json(task_name: str, locust_request_label: str = '', exact_match: bool = True) Dict[str, Any]
This function calls the API for the specific task to get its “form” data
- Parameters:
task_name (str) – Name of the task to be called.
exact_match (bool, optional) – Should task name match exactly or to be partial match. Default : True
Returns (dict): Response of task’s Get UI call in dictionary
If full name of task is known,
>>> self.appian.task.get_task_form_json("task_name")
If only partial name is known,
>>> self.appian.task.get_task_form_json("task_name", exact_match=False)
- get_task_pages(locust_request_label: str = 'Tasks', next_uri: str | None = '/suite/api/feed/tempo?m=menu-tasks&t=t&s=pt&defaultFacets=%255Bstatus-open%255D', pages_requested: int = -1) Dict[str, Any]
Retrieves all the available “tasks” and associated metadata from “Appian-Tempo-Tasks”
If the next_uri argument is specified then the calls to fetch tasks will begin at that URI. If omitted the fetching starts at the first page of Tasks. This can be useful for fetching a subset of pages one call at a time. To control the number of pages fetched use the page_count argument. The default of -1 means fetch all pages (starting from the given URI.
Note: If the page_count is used and is less than the total number of pages available then the URI of the _next_ page in the sequence will be stored in self._next_uri and can be fetched with self.get_next_task_page_uri()
Note: All the retrieved data about tasks is stored in the private variable self._tasks
Returns (dict): List of tasks and associated metadata
Start at the first page and get all content from that point forward:
>>> self.appian.task.get_task_pages()
Start at the next page (from the previous call to get_task_pages) and fetch the next three pages of Tasks:
>>> self.appian.task.get_task_pages(next_uri=self.get_next_task_page_uri(), pages_requested=3)
- class appian_locust._ui_reconciler.UiReconciler
- CID_KEY = '_cId'
Reconciles the SAIL UI, based on the different responses passed
- COMPONENT_DELTA_TYPE = 'UiComponentsDelta'
- MODIFIED_COMPONENTS_KEY = 'modifiedComponents'
- _traverse_and_update_state(state: Any, cid_to_component: dict) None
Moves through a dict recursively, swapping out any components that have been modified with new ones
- reconcile_ui(old_state: dict, new_state: dict) dict
- In the case where components are simply modified:
Makes a copy of the old_state, and applies whichever changes are necessary from the new_state
- In the case where a completely new UI is returned:
Replaces the old state with the new state