Locust Test Example: Grids

An example of a Locust Test showing interaction with Appian Grids -

This test has a locust task defined that will interact with a read-only paging grid layout that contains an Employee directory. Configuration for this grid layout is inspired by Appian’s Grid Tutorial. The goal of this test is to select all Engineering employees and view the details for one of them.

The first step in this workflow is to navigate our user to a report which is backed by an interface containing the grid:

def interact_with_grid_in_interface(self):
    # Navigate to the interface backed report that contains a grid
    report_uiform = self.appian.visitor.visit_report(report_name="Employee Report with Grid")

The interface will look similar to this:

Report with a grid

Now that we have navigated to the report, we will sort the grid by the Department field in the ascending order to have all Engineering department employees at the top:

def interact_with_grid_in_interface(self):
    # Navigate to the interface backed report that contains a grid
    report_uiform = self.appian.visitor.visit_report(report_name="Employee Report with Grid")

    # Sort the grid rows by the "Department" field name
    report_uiform.sort_paging_grid(label="Employee Directory", field_name="Department", ascending=True)

The interface with the sorted grid will look similar to this:

Grid sorted by Department field

Next, we will select the first five rows on the first page of the grid:

def interact_with_grid_in_interface(self):
    # Navigate to the interface backed report that contains a grid
    report_uiform = self.appian.visitor.visit_report(report_name="Employee Report with Grid")

    # Sort the grid rows by the "Department" field name
    report_uiform.sort_paging_grid(label="Employee Directory", field_name="Department", ascending=True)

    # Select the first five rows on the first page of the grid
    report_uiform.select_rows_in_grid(rows=[0,1,2,3,4], label="Employee Directory")

Because the grid is configured to show the selected rows under Selected Employees, the resultant interface will look similar to this:

Selected rows in first page of grid

During development, this would be a good way to test the selection using the JSON response from the above request. Next, we will move to the second page of the grid and select the first row since it also contains an Engineering employee:

def interact_with_grid_in_interface(self):
    # Navigate to the interface backed report that contains a grid
    report_uiform = self.appian.visitor.visit_report(report_name="Employee Report with Grid")

    # Sort the grid rows by the "Department" field name
    report_uiform.sort_paging_grid(label="Employee Directory", field_name="Department", ascending=True)

    # Select the first five on the first page of the grid
    report_uiform.select_rows_in_grid(rows=[0,1,2,3,4], label="Employee Directory")

    # Move to the second page of the grid
    report_uiform.move_to_right_in_paging_grid(label="Employee Directory")

    # Select the first row on the second page of the grid
    report_uiform.select_rows_in_grid(rows=[0], label="Employee Directory", append_to_existing_selected=True)

The interface will look similar to this:

Selected first row in second page of grid

The grid contains a First Name column which is a link to the employee record. Finally, we will click on the link for an employee William:

def interact_with_grid_in_interface(self):
    # Navigate to the interface backed report that contains a grid
    report_uiform = self.appian.visitor.visit_report(report_name="Employee Report with Grid")

    # Sort the grid rows by the "Department" field name
    report_uiform.sort_paging_grid(label="Employee Directory", field_name="Department", ascending=True)

    # Select the first five on the first page of the grid
    report_uiform.select_rows_in_grid(rows=[0,1,2,3,4], label="Employee Directory")

    # Move to the second page of the grid
    report_uiform.move_to_right_in_paging_grid(label="Employee Directory")

    # Select the first row on the second page of the grid
    report_uiform.select_rows_in_grid(rows=[0], label="Employee Directory", append_to_existing_selected=True)

    # Click on the row with a record link with the given label

The user will be navigated to the employee’s record which will look similar to this:

Record view for William Ross

You can see a full version of this locust test here. There are other useful functions for interacting with grids that can be found in our documentation.